Elvis Lives!

Elvis is Alive and I’ve pissed him off!

I’ve been too busy to do anything to my website lately, but today I had a few minutes and I thought I’d clean out the tonne of spam. There was a couple of legitimate comments in there, including one from Elvis…. Apparently he’s not a happy camper.

We all had a good laugh about it at the office. I guess if I piss the Pedobears off this bad it means I’m doing something right.


2 Replies to “Elvis Lives!”

  1. I love your attitude to this pointless junk.
    Well done.

    I wish at 39 i had your maturity.
    Now with things moving ahead in Aus courts, Come back to our beautiful shores.

    May your peace and sanity prevail over the “evil” that you’ve confronted.
    And for your impact on making the world a better place, Thank You.

  2. I’m impressed you can have such a sense of humor to laugh over something like this, I’d say you’ve ruffled someones feathers in a good way!

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