Happy New Year!


It’s been quite a while since I posted up here. Even though I didn’t work a 9-5 last year, it was still pretty busy. I did a bunch of traveling, I did a lot of writing (just not here) and lots of cooking and eating. I finished 2015 with a bit of a nail biter, what with the appeal and all, but it was a good Christmas present when the judges denied it. I’m sure there were quite a few other girls who were also happy/relieved at that decision.

I’m excited about 2016. The project I spent much of last year working on is in it’s final stages, and soon I’ll be able to share it with you all. Matt and I are moving soon to the sunny shores of Florida. I start a 6 week crossfit challenge in a couple weeks to get me back into shape so I can enjoy all Florida has to offer. I’m looking forward to doing lots of scuba diving and paddle boarding and just riding a bike around. I’m pretty out of shape at the moment, so this will be a good kick in the pants.

There should be lots of travel coming up this year, besides the move. Last year we went to Italy and Greece, which were both amazing. This year we’ll probably do a lot of travel closer to home, but there should be a trip back to the motherland in there at some point. Hopefully it’s at a nice time of year…. You can follow along with me on my adventures on Twitter or Instagram.

So here’s to an eventful 2016. I hope that all of you are excited about the new year, whether you have big plans, or just enjoying the ride. Planning to do nothing can be enjoyable too.

Much love to all,

