G’day, Hallo, Hola, Ciao, こんにちは, مرحبا

Hello out there!

As I’ve said over on my ShrimpTank blog, one of my favourite plugins on WordPress is the Visitor Maps.

I’m getting a lot of visits from countries I never thought I’d get hits from, so I’d like to say a big Howdy to all of you!

I expected a few Aussie’s and Germans to be visiting, but it’s always interesting to see hits from places like Libya, Mexico and Japan. It also shows how many times someone has visited as well as where they were before coming to my site. So I can see what search they performed or what forum has linked to my site. I know I can do all this with google analytics, (and I do) but the visitor map is much more fun. It’s right there in my dashboard and I can see instantly when I’ve sent out a tweet and it’s bringing people back to my site.

I guess most of the American hits I get on my site are either other Aussie expats or twitter bugs. The Germans all seem to come from Hey Dad..! searches and the Aussie’s are obvious. I can only guess who the 100 hits from Singapore are from…. But who’s the person in Japan who’s visited me almost 200 times and why the sudden interest from Libya? Was Hey Dad..! ever shown there? I remember in one episode we made a reference to Gadafi. “The despot, not the duck.”

Anyway, I’m fascinated by all of you and why you’ve chosen to spend a couple of minutes checking me out. So leave me a message. Ask me a question. Just say hi!

Don’t just cyberstalk me, feel free to communicate with me. As long as it’s not about the case, which I can’t comment on for legal reasons, I’ll talk back. I’ll answer your questions. Whether you want to know about the weather in Texas or my favourite dessert, just ask!


10 Replies to “G’day, Hallo, Hola, Ciao, こんにちは, مرحبا”

  1. Hi Sarah!

    We’ve spoken once or twice on twitter (Mel via @RisqueBehaviors).
    I thought i was the one having the blonde moment when i couldn’t work out how to reply to your blog lol. Thanks for fixing.
    Obviously you were a child actor yourself but did you also watch shows as a kid? If so what were faves and who were your childhood crushes if any? 🙂

  2. I loved Secret Valley, Play School, (but only if Noni was on) Mork and Mindi, Happy Days, the Partridge family, all that stuff that makes us cringe now. I was a huge MASH fan. I painted one of our bathrooms in green and my husband thinks it’s a homage to MASH. I really liked comedies. The Young Ones was good. I was also really into movies. I had a thing for old black and white musicals. Doris Day, Mickey Rooney, etc. But my favourite movie growing up was The Blues Brothers. (My husband looks like Belushi!) Oh, and I loved Letterman. Before he was on TV in Oz, we watched him via satellite at channel 7. I saw him last year in NYC. Even though he was dead, I was a devout Elvis fan. Music and Movies.
    I don’t remember too many crushes on actors. I remember thinking Tamblyn Lord was super cute. He gave me a rose at the Logies. I thought about asking Dieter Brummer to my high school formal, but figured he wouldn’t have a clue who I was. Henry Thomas was always cute, and he now lives in the same city as me. I haven’t met him though… C. Thomas Howell and Balthazar Getty were probably on my list. Yeah, thinking back, I did like Balty. He and Stephen Dorff were both super hot as I was hitting the teen years.
    These days my TV crush is Gibbs from NCIS and Ed Harris. My hubbie also thinks it’s cute I have girl crushes on Salma Hayek and Drew Barrymore.

  3. I remember an early hey dad episode where nudge and simon were imitating arnie Swatznegar and where you asked if a special vistor was mel gibson when it was in fact cousin Elaine played by simone buchannon’s sister Beth. Classsic.

  4. Hey Sarah, have you ever thought of setting up an online store on your site, where fans can purchase autographed 8x10s? Cheers.

  5. If people want one, I’ll send them one. No purchase necessary. I don’t have any Hey Dad..! pics though, just plain ol’ headshots.

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