Donating to the Gulf Coast Cleanup

Donating to the Gulf Coast Cleanup

Well, apparently the government still isn’t letting civilians help with the volunteer cleanup of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill. The risk is too great with the toxicity of the oil.

There are however several places that are dedicated full time to keeping the waterways clean. One such place is the Emerald CoastKeepers. They take care of the coast from the Alabama/Florida border all the way across to Panama City beach. I’ve been to the beaches in this area and they are easily some of the most beautiful beaches in the US.

I’ve chosen them as my charity of choice in this conservation crisis.

I’ve put a badge on the Going Down website, since the gulf coast oil spill will obviously have a major impact on scuba divers. I thought I’d put it up here too for the non divers who still care about the impact this is going to have on the ocean and wildlife.

Thankfully, the oil hasn’t hit Texas yet. It’s already devastated Louisiana and Mississippi. It’s about to hit Florida in a big way. I hope they can work something out to get the spill under control before it devastates the Florida coast, and before hurricane season starts and it hits the Texas coast.


2 Replies to “Donating to the Gulf Coast Cleanup”

  1. Hi Sarah!

    I think it’s great that you’re trying to help with the oil spill in the ways that you can. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing more by doing the hands on work like cleaning it up, but what you are doing is just as important!

    I really enjoy reading your blog. I grew up watching Hey Dad! and it’s nice to see that you’ve grown into a great person.


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